Age 83 - July 28, 1937 – July 22, 2021
Mike crossed that river July 22, 2021---born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, in the Holy Cross Parish where he attended school and graduated.
Mike was an artist, an athlete and an entrepreneur. He liked to play his sports, draw and design, have fun, discuss philosophy and politics, and he loved sales. He ran the J. J. Parks Asphalt Company for decades along with many other businesses. Mike, a man of complicated faith, was very involved in the heady days of the late sixties/early seventies with the Holy Family Parish and was instrumental in working with Father Jack McCaslin and Father Ken Vavrina in the civil rights movement, St. Francis House, and the American Indian movement.
Later in life, for the last 35 years, Mike resided at Willow Point Lake along the Platte River near Ashland, a place he loved dearly, bringing much of his energy to the landscape architecture around there. Mike’s humor and argument will be missed by many friends and family.
Mike is survived by his wife, sister, three children and eight grandchildren. A private ceremony will be held on Saturday, September 11
at Willow Point.
Roeder Mortuary - Gretna Chapel